The Best of BOYRACER - 75 song double CD
I know this has actually been out for a over a month now, but I feel compelled to mention it. 'PUNKER THAN YOU SINCE '92' the 75 song 'Best Of' Boyracer double CD is currently available. You've got to hand it to Stewart, a 75 song 'Best Of' record is pretty bold. 'CRASHING THROUGH' - the Beat Happening 6 CD box set has 79 songs... and that's every song they ever recorded! The fact that Stewart was able to narrow his exhaustive back catalogue down to JUST 75 songs might be the truly remarkable part. It's probably the perfect introduction for anyone curious about one of indie-pop’s longest running and most respected bands. And at only $13... it's a steal!
how much is it if you steal it?
This blog is cool. I'm such a Beat Surf the net Fun? nerd! Boyracer shreds!
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