Flashback MP3 of the Day
In 1999, Pasadena, California friends Kenji Baugham, Padgett Arango and Margaret Brunjes recorded and released a wonderful CD under the name FORMERLY KNOWN AS OEDIPUSAURUS REX on Chucklehound Records. The album presented a wide variety of music ranging from folky songs to lo-fi synth-pop gems. Today's song, 1 Wt. FM ($20k), is from this self titled album. If you're able to track down this CD, it's really worth picking up!
Chucklehound writes a ridiculously long review of The Hills Have Eyes (Abrams must be a product USA's hip cultural theory english depts), so just goroot to the vid store and check out this Gore Vital Missedapiece. Anyone up for camping this weekend?
So the other day my car wouldn't start so I attached peddles to it cause I just had to go see Pirates II. I love the Oaktree cinimas. After 5 and half hours, I finally got there however the movie was not. You me and Dupree was . Let me tell you after a work out of pedaling a car up Aurora with no tail wind, mind you, it was a great and I mean a great way to relax. While the sweaty cloths I had put over some empty seats to dry, I put my feet up on the seats in front of me, which I know you are not supposed to do, ate some popped corn drank a huge diet root beer and laughed mostly cause the fabric on the seats tickled my naked sweaty body.
When did this become Groot's journal?
I must say, I'm awfully honored to have my late band featured here (especially since Sean had the good taste to feature of the songs I didn't sing on).
As far as tracking down the CD, if anyone really wants a hard version (the whole album is downloadable from the website), feel free to email me and I'll send you one. I've got about 900 or so in boxes.
Groot is a concept. I thought it was just the name of a brand of dumpster I saw in the midwest. It sort of sounded like my formal name. It seems now that I could probably just piece it together by reading Leviticus. Pay no more attention to any other groot postings. I've been sabotaged. It's scary.
Groot is a concept?
This song is great...in the running for favorite mp3 posted so far. Are the hard copies on tape or CD?
joe93, i promise, someday i'll write a book entitled 'Groot - Church of the UberGenius' but until then (and it probably will be just a haiku on my deathbed) until then though, i'm just your typical slightly above avg loser lounge lizard looking for love in all the long laces. now really, i need to go touch an iceberg. have a nice week.
i don't understand all this groot stuff, but i do like this song. i want to hear more!
Hard copies are on CD. We did a (very optimistic) pressing of 1000 CD's back in '99, of which we sold 6. It may take me a bit to dig up the packaging materials for them, but I'll happily mail them out if anyone wants them. (can email me at arango at chucklehound.com)
You only sold six? That's a crime! I love that CD! There are so many great songs on it. Damn! I'm tempted to post another song!!!!
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