Monday, July 24, 2006

Flashback MP3 of the Day

In 1999, Pasadena, California friends Kenji Baugham, Padgett Arango and Margaret Brunjes recorded and released a wonderful CD under the name FORMERLY KNOWN AS OEDIPUSAURUS REX on Chucklehound Records. The album presented a wide variety of music ranging from folky songs to lo-fi synth-pop gems. Today's song, 1 Wt. FM ($20k), is from this self titled album. If you're able to track down this CD, it's really worth picking up!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chucklehound writes a ridiculously long review of The Hills Have Eyes (Abrams must be a product USA's hip cultural theory english depts), so just goroot to the vid store and check out this Gore Vital Missedapiece. Anyone up for camping this weekend?

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the other day my car wouldn't start so I attached peddles to it cause I just had to go see Pirates II. I love the Oaktree cinimas. After 5 and half hours, I finally got there however the movie was not. You me and Dupree was . Let me tell you after a work out of pedaling a car up Aurora with no tail wind, mind you, it was a great and I mean a great way to relax. While the sweaty cloths I had put over some empty seats to dry, I put my feet up on the seats in front of me, which I know you are not supposed to do, ate some popped corn drank a huge diet root beer and laughed mostly cause the fabric on the seats tickled my naked sweaty body.

12:19 PM  
Blogger Sean said...

When did this become Groot's journal?

1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say, I'm awfully honored to have my late band featured here (especially since Sean had the good taste to feature of the songs I didn't sing on).

As far as tracking down the CD, if anyone really wants a hard version (the whole album is downloadable from the website), feel free to email me and I'll send you one. I've got about 900 or so in boxes.

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Groot is a concept. I thought it was just the name of a brand of dumpster I saw in the midwest. It sort of sounded like my formal name. It seems now that I could probably just piece it together by reading Leviticus. Pay no more attention to any other groot postings. I've been sabotaged. It's scary.

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Groot is a concept?

3:09 PM  
Blogger HOW TO PURCHASE ART said...

This song is the running for favorite mp3 posted so far. Are the hard copies on tape or CD?

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

joe93, i promise, someday i'll write a book entitled 'Groot - Church of the UberGenius' but until then (and it probably will be just a haiku on my deathbed) until then though, i'm just your typical slightly above avg loser lounge lizard looking for love in all the long laces. now really, i need to go touch an iceberg. have a nice week.

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't understand all this groot stuff, but i do like this song. i want to hear more!

7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hard copies are on CD. We did a (very optimistic) pressing of 1000 CD's back in '99, of which we sold 6. It may take me a bit to dig up the packaging materials for them, but I'll happily mail them out if anyone wants them. (can email me at arango at

7:59 PM  
Blogger Sean said...

You only sold six? That's a crime! I love that CD! There are so many great songs on it. Damn! I'm tempted to post another song!!!!

8:02 PM  

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