Friday, July 13, 2007

You Can't Stop the Wizard Rock!

Harry and the Potters are playing tonight at the Seattle Central Library! They're a band made up of two brothers who write songs about, you guessed it, our favorite boy wizard. What I love is that they do things like give out Harry and the Potters toothbrushes in exchange for book reports. You gotta love a band that promotes literacy AND good dental hygiene! Check them out here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a nazi war criminal neighbor. I chatted with him for about an hour this afternoon, not that he stopped in and shared his favorite soap recipies or lampshade ideas, no. I was getting the mail when he walked up the street and began to ask me about my motorcycle. Hes a mechanic and is forever working on cars and tractors in his driveway. Anyway we got to talking about the new Harry Potter book and somehow it came out that hes a fan of this Harry and the Potters band. Weird huh?

5:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Harry and the Potters are amazing! My very first show was HatPs! IT WAS SO FUN! And don't forget about the Remus Lupins, the Moaning Myrtles, Draco and the Malfoys &c.

2:30 PM  

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