Friday, December 07, 2007

MP3 of the Day x2!

Tomorrow night (Sat. Dec. 8th) Tullycraft will be playing an all-ages show in Anacortes at the Department of Safety with Fishboy, Eux Autres and The Oregon Donor. This will be the first time Tullycraft has every played in Anacortes, WA. Today we have two MP3s! Minus 2 by FISHBOY, and Molly by EUX AUTRES. See you in Anacortes!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I learned to drive from my dad in the parking lot… and on the freeway. There were some unpleasant moments when I stalled the manual transmission car on the on ramp -- my dad's pedagogical technique mostly involved swearing (he also taught me how to ride a bike on a gravel parking lot).

4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mine too maybe we had the same dad, but I did get up late today and had a real bad rash, the person I remember going to be with last night was not at all the same person I awoke next to. No She did not have a penis but I do remember her being way hotter last night. Oh well She gave me some ointment before she left and her phone number. I put the phone number in the bin and the ointment in the medicine cabinet.
That is the last time I finish the night with Yegerbombs.

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my, either of you "pappy's" going to the show in Anacortes? It sounds like your kind of town - blue-collar, oil-rifinery industry. The weather forecast looks good too, which may cut into some of the whining you flip into. Now Go Lick IT!

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imposters all of you!

7:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I find this all incredibly entertaining.

10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is going on here?

2:34 PM  

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