Thursday, July 24, 2008

MP3 of the Day

In 1982, Kevin Mitnick (age 17) allegedly hacked into NORAD with his Commodore VIC-20 and inspired the movie WarGames. To commemorate the film's 25th Anniversary, select theaters will be screening WarGames TONIGHT in cities across the country. This is a one-night only event! Some of those cities include: Boise, Kalamazoo, Reno, Philadelphia, Sioux Falls, Olympia, and Seattle. Click here for a complete list of theaters and cities. Today we have the song Yeah, Tonight by PLASTIC MASTERY.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shall we play a game?

11:54 AM  
Blogger Fnarf said...

No way in hell did Mitnick ever hack into NORAD. His exploits were much more mundane, stuff like DEC source code, the phone company, and so on. In fact, he wasn't much of a hacker at all, and talked his way into things, not with a computer.

12:15 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Yeah but did he hack a Gibson? That's when you know your 31337.

5:51 PM  

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