MP3 of the Day
On this day in 1986, the television sitcom ALF premiered on NBC. The show was about an extraterrestrial named ALF (Alien Life Form), who crash lands into the garage of a Riverside, California suburban middle class family. The show ran for four seasons, and in the series finale, ALF is about to be rescued by a ship from his home planet, but is instead captured by the US military. Viewers were left to ponder ALF's ultimate fate, when the original airing ended with a "To Be Continued" message. The producers of the show supposedly had a verbal agreement with NBC to produce at least one more episode to resolve the cliffhanger. NBC never made good on the deal, and the series was cancelled. Today we have the song Anxious and Worrying by DEFIANCE OHIO.
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Defiance Ohio rock... they are like a Fishboy version of the amazing Nana Grizol (a band they share members with).
Great song!
I just watched the final part of this episode. They did make a TV movie a few years later called "Project ALF" where ALF was running from the government... they don't go into too much detail about the fate of the Tanners, but I think the idea is that they were killed. I believe the word they used is "eliminated", but it's been a long time.
ALF is a messed up show. Still very entertaining, too, as an adult -- probably for that very reason.
the Tanners were killed amazing....never liked then...
Yeah, is that the same singer as Nana Grizol?!? Man o man, if there's one thing I need more in my life it's more Nana-Grizolian music. If I may coin an adjective.
Thanks Sean!
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